How Many Calories In 1 Cup Of Cooked Quinoa?

Quinoa, frequently referred to as a superfood, has grown in popularity in recent years due to its multiple health advantages and culinary diversity.

Understanding the calorie count of foods like quinoa is critical for people watching their calorie consumption.

In this article, we’ll look at how many calories in cup of cooked quinoa and some nutritional facts about this hearty grain.

How Many Calories In 1 Cup Of Cooked Quinoa?

A 1 cup (185.000g) portion of cooked Quinoa contains 222 calories. The calorie breakdown is 14% fat, 71% carbohydrates, and 15% protein.

Other Nutritional Facts


Carbohydrates account for 21% of cooked quinoa, comparable to barley and rice.

Starches account for around 83% of the carbs. The remainder is primarily fiber with a trace of sugar (4%).

With a GI of 53, quinoa may not make your blood sugar rise quickly.

The GI tells you how fast your blood sugar levels rise after you eat. A low-glycemic-index diet may reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


Quinoa has more fiber than brown rice and yellow corn when cooked.

10 percent of the dry weight of cooking quinoa is fiber. The other 80 to 90 percent is made up of insoluble fibers like cellulose.

Insoluble fibers may be linked to a lower incidence of diabetes.

Furthermore, like soluble fibers, some insoluble fiber may be fermented in your stomach, feeding your friendly bacteria and supporting general health.

Quinoa also contains resistant starch, which feeds the good bacteria in your gut, encouraging the creation of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), increasing gut health, and lowering your risk of disease.


Proteins are composed of amino acids, which serve as the foundation for all tissues in your body.

Some amino acids are important because your body cannot make them, thus you must obtain them through your food.

Quinoa has 4.4% protein, which is higher than most cereal grains like barley, rice, and corn.

Quinoa is a complete protein source, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids.

It has a high concentration of the amino acid lysine, which is normally absent in plants. It’s also high in methionine and histidine, making it a great source of plant-based protein.

Not all proteins are easily digested by your body. Quinoa protein is extremely digestible.

Quinoa is gluten-free and hence good for folks who are gluten sensitive or allergic.


A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of cooked quinoa contains around 2 grams of fat.

Like fats from other foods, quinoa fat is mostly made up of oleic acid, palmitic acid, and linoleic acid.

Minerals And Vitamins

Quinoa is high in antioxidants and minerals, with more magnesium, iron, fiber, and zinc than many other cereals.

Quinoa contains the following vitamins and minerals:

Manganese: A trace mineral found in high concentrations in whole grains, manganese is vital for metabolism, growth, and development.

Phosphorus: This mineral, which is commonly present in protein-rich diets, is needed for bone health and the maintenance of many bodily components.

Copper: A mineral that is typically deficient in the Western diet, copper is essential for heart health.

Folate: Folate is a B vitamin that is required for cell function and tissue formation. It is especially crucial for pregnant women.

Iron: This crucial mineral performs numerous important tasks in the body, including oxygen transfer in red blood cells.

Magnesium: A mineral that is essential for numerous bodily processes, magnesium is frequently deficient in the Western diet.

Zinc: This mineral is essential for overall health and is involved in numerous chemical reactions in your body.

Health Advantages 

Quinoa is low in salt and high in fiber and protein, making it a full and healthful alternative to refined grains. It has more calcium, iron, and protein than other grains.

Reduces Inflammation

Quinoa saponins, betalains, and polyphenols have antioxidant qualities, which means they can repair cells harmed by oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.

Aids In Blood Sugar Control

Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that aids un satiety, avoids and relieves constipation, and aids in blood sugar stability through delayed absorption into the bloodstream from the intestines.

According to research, those with a diet high in whole grains had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Quinoa, although being a seed rather than a grain, can function similarly to entire grains.

Reduces Cholesterol

Fiber, as well as phytosterols, are plant components that lower cholesterol. Quinoa has a variety of phytosterols.

Gluten-Free and Low-FODMAP

Pure quinoa is a gluten-free choice for persons with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. However, quinoa-based products containing other ingredients may contain gluten or be cross-contaminated, so carefully read labels.

Quinoa is also appropriate for a low-FODMAP diet. It is naturally low in fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-, and polyols, which are carbohydrates that can induce bloating and sensitivity in persons with IBS and Crohn’s disease.

Overall, one cup of cooked quinoa has about 222 calories and is a very healthy food to add to your diet. It’s a good choice for people who want a healthy, well-balanced meal because it has protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. If you know how to cook it right and add some imagination to your meals, quinoa can be a tasty and satisfying addition to your repertoire.

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