How Many Calories In A Tablespoon Of Grated Cheese?

Grated cheese is a versatile ingredient that can be used in everything from pizzas and pasta to salads and sandwiches.

But have you ever wondered how many calories a tablespoon of shredded cheese contains?

In this article, we will discuss the calorie composition of grated cheese as well as portion control and healthy eating.

How Many Calories In A Tablespoon Of Grated Cheese?

1 tablespoon of grated Cheddar cheese contains about 37 calories. This calorie value may differ significantly depending on factors such as cheese brand and moisture content.

Grated Cheddar cheese is a wonderful complement to many foods, but it should be used in moderation to effectively manage calorie intake.

Calorie Counts For Common Varieties Of Grated Cheese

The calorie value of a tablespoon of grated cheese varies depending on the type of cheese used and its moisture content. The following are approximate calorie values for common types of grated cheese:

1. Calories And Cheese Varieties

The calorie count in a tablespoon of grated cheese is mostly determined by the type of cheese used.

Different cheeses have varied fat and moisture content, which might impact their calorie content.

Parmesan cheese: Parmesan cheese is a firm, aged cheese famous for its rich flavor. Each tablespoon has about 22 calories. Parmesan cheese is frequently used as a topping for pasta dishes and salads, giving your meals a savory bite.

Cheddar Cheese: Cheddar cheese, a popular choice due to its pungent flavor, contains 113 calories per tablespoon. Depending on whether it is mild or sharp or extra sharp cheddar, the calorie amount may differ slightly.

Mozzarella cheese: Mozzarella cheese, recognized for its mild flavor and meltability, comprises approximately 78 calories per tablespoon. It’s a popular topping for pizza, lasagna, and sandwiches.

Swiss Cheese: Swiss cheese, with its distinctive holes and nutty flavor, normally has 106 calories per tablespoon. It goes nicely with sandwiches and is a traditional option for cheese fondue.

2. Factors Affecting Calories In Grated Cheese

The calorie content of grated cheese can be influenced by a number of factors, including:

Moisture Content: Cheeses with a higher moisture level have less calories per gram since water does not contribute to calorie content. Hard, matured cheeses, such as Parmesan, have less moisture and thus a higher calorie density.

Aging Process: The aging process can concentrate flavors and slightly increase the calorie content. Aged cheeses offer a stronger flavor but just a minor variation in calories.

Type of Milk: The sort of milk used in cheese making is equally important. Cheese prepared with whole milk has more calories than cheese made with skim or part-skim milk.

While grated cheese can give a burst of flavor to your foods, it’s high in calories, so portion control is essential if you’re watching your calorie consumption.

Healthiest Cheese To Eat

1. Fat-Free Feta Cheese

1 oz. of Fat Free Feta Cheese has the following nutritional value:

  • 15 calories
  • 0g Fat 
  • 0.5g Carbohydrates
  • Protein: 3.5g

Fat-free feta cheese is the healthiest cheese to eat. This salty Greek cheese is delicious crumbled over salads, soups, and roasted vegetables, and it’s also delicious whipped or baked as a centerpiece for a charcuterie board.

Fat-free feta cheese is also the lowest-calorie cheese available, with only 15 calories per ounce. 

2. Half-fat Mozzarella

When shopping for cheese, aim for half-fat mozzarella because it has fewer calories and is lower in fat.

By including this healthy cheese in your weight reduction diet, you may enjoy the health advantages of cheese without sacrificing your calorie limit.

1oz/28g of Mozzarella cheese contains:

  • 55 calories
  • 3.2 g fat

3. Ricotta Italian

Ricotta cheese from Italy is created from whey and is naturally low in fat. Even if you’re following a low-fat diet, you may still have some healthy cheese by selecting Italian Ricotta. It’s delicious with bagels, crackers, and fresh fruit.

1 oz./28g of Italian Ricotta cheese contains:

  • 53 calories
  • 4.2g of fat

4. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is low in fat and high in casein proteins, making it a nutritious cheese option. Furthermore, studies show that eating cottage cheese before night might boost your metabolism, which may aid in weight loss.

1oz/28g Cottage cheese contains:

  • 20 calories
  • 0.3 grams of fat

Cheeses That Are Unhealthy

We discovered some of the unhealthiest cheeses to consume while studying the finest cheeses to eat on weight loss programs:

1. Halloumi Cheddar

Keep track of how much of this squeaky cheese you’re putting on your bagel and salad in the morning! Halloumi cheese is heavy in fat and high in calories.

High amounts of Halloumi cheese could quickly produce a calorie build up when on a weight loss regimen based on limiting your calorie intake.

There are now lower-calorie halloumi options for your weight loss plan, but watch how much you eat!

1oz/28g halloumi cheese contains:

  • 86 calories
  • 6.6 g fat

2. Goats/ Blue Cheese

Even if you are not on a weight loss regimen, 1 oz. of semi-soft goat’s cheese has 6 grams of saturated fat, which is approximately 30% of the daily recommended value.

1oz/28g goat cheese contains:

  • 95 calories
  • 8.0 g fat

3. Roquefort Cheese

Roquefort is a manufactured blue cheese with a high salt content. 1oz. of Roquefort cheese contains 500mg of salt, which is more than a third of your daily recommended intake, and it is extremely heavy in saturated fats!

Successful weight reduction programs stimulate weight loss while also assisting you in becoming the healthiest version of yourself. High sodium levels and saturated fats are an undesirable mix that might easily cause long-run health problems.

1oz/28g of Roquefort cheese contains:

  • 102 calories
  • 8.9 g fat

4. Parmesan

It’s an excellent method to add a tangy flavor to your healthy homemade pizzas and pastas. However, a weight loss tip with this cheese is to be careful of how much you melt into your food because you may be adding calories rather than flavor, which does not fulfill the definition of a balanced weight loss diet.

1oz/28g Parmesan cheese contains:

  • 108 calories
  • 7.3 g fat

5. Cheddar Cheese

As popular as it is, it may come as no surprise to hear that Cheddar cheese is one of the unhealthiest cheeses available, so the next time you make a sandwich for lunch, try a different sort of healthy cheese.

If you can’t resist a piece of cheddar, there are many of lower-fat cheddar alternatives in supermarkets now that you may include to your weight loss regimen.

1oz/28g of Cheddar cheese contains:

  • 113 calories
  • 9.8 g fat

The quantity of calories in a tablespoon of grated cheese varies based on the type of cheese and a number of other factors. Being cautious of portion sizes and including cheese into a well-balanced diet are critical for efficiently managing your calorie consumption. You can enjoy the richness of grated cheese while making smart dietary decisions this way.

Thanks for reading. I hope you find it helpful.